„There was a king, who gave stupid orders and there was a shepherd who didn’t care about those words. In a situation like this, we need to face the issues. But which face, and also what kind of eyes does it have? We need to look into the enticing eyes without being charmed. And who can look into those starry-eyes and put them into the shade? Not the stupidity, nor the fear, or the bear, or huge hedgehogs, or sharp scythe, only the…well, yes, the princess can look into those eyes, besides, make them shine even more. The world is in order as long, as there exist these kinds of sights.” Szabó Attila

The performance is an adaptation of the well-known Hungarian folk-tale, with the identical title. The starry-eyes are the metaphor of a wise and innocent attitude. We can learn toughness from the shepherd who is refusing the nonsense orders of the king because it is not easy to fight against vanity, but the protagonist is capable of winning, due to his gifts: wiseness and humbleness.

Premiere: 10. 11. 2018.
Recommended age: 4+
Duration: 60 min.

Script and director: Szabó Attila
Scenography, puppets and costumes: Miareczky Edit
Music: Csernák Zoltán Samu
Coreography: Fosztó András
Cast: Domokos Szabolcs, Urmánczi Jenő, Erdei Emese, Pünkösti Laura, Balogh Dorottya, Bodnár Tibor, Kötő Áron

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