The Legend of Saint Ladislaus

The Legend of Saint Ladislaus

13:01.2018 | 11:00
03.02.2018 | 11:00
21.04.2018 | 11:00
26.05.2018 | 11:00

Author, scenography, director: László Szentirmai
Assistant director: Tünde Kocsis
Composer: Áron Kötő
Music contributor: Csilla Vincze Dalos
Sound design: Péter Venczel
Cast: Dorottya Balogh, Réka Giriti, Réka László, Ildikó Patka, Laura Pünkösti, Rozália Rekita, Szabolcs Domokos, László György, Attila Ákos Okos, Jenő Urmánczi.
Poster: Szilárd Banga, Angéla Kalló

Recommended age: 7+
Premiere: October 30th 2017

The first premiere of the 2017-2018 season at the Puck Puppet Theatre involved every actor of the Hungarian department. The play was written, designed and directed by Szentirmai László. His concept combines the visual world of codices, his desire to teach and his love for plain theatre. According to the director, Saint Ladislaus was the only king in Hungarian history who was able to lead the country while remaining honest and just all along.
“The youth of today must be told – through legends or history, it makes no difference to me – that there are, there were such examples and one can follow them.. We can be Saint Ladislaus even if you live in the 47, Kossuth street. All we need is honesty! We shall not want to have 20 centimetres of our neighbour’s land. We shall not want to denounce him so that he loses his money. We, people can be incredibly evil… even in our everyday lives. It’s good to have such a king as an example. The fact that he was sanctified is important because Hungarians ( who chose to adopt Christianity at a very propicious moment in the constantly changing Europe) could contribute with their own saints, with significant role-models at those times. Nowadays this would be a lot harder…” – responds the director to the question about the significance of Saint Ladislaus’ personality for present generations and adults as well.

May 26 @ 11:00
11:00 — 12:00

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